25 July 2009

The Ugly Truth

Let's be honest. The ugly truth is that this movie is just not that great. I don't think we will even be seeing a great soundtrack emerge from this movie.

The high points:
Gerard Butler is still good looking :) But we all know this. He's played the manly King Leonidas in 300 (even men can respect him in this role) and the dapper, entrancing Phantom of The Phantom of the Opera. We don't see a lapse in his acting ability here. It's just that... really? Are men really like this? Seriously? Sure, some men are shallow (dare we call them men?) but not every man stoops to such low morals. I know some pretty great men (shout out to the older brother!).

Katherine Heigl has a great stylist working for her in this movie. I loved some of those dresses (um, yes please). Her hair looked silly sometimes with those removable weaves. Also, I noticed some wardrobe malfunctions while she was at the bar with Gerard mid-movie.

The Orthopedic surgeon that Katherine dates in the movie has a symmetrical face and good bone structure.

The low points:

Perhaps we're clued in that this is a raunchy comedy. Well, it is just that. Really. No more, no less. I don't know, it just wasn't that funny.

Be prepared to experience just about every sexual innuendo. None of them are done in a classy way. Nope. It's just out there. Whatever. I suppose that's what you're paying for.

SPOILER from here on out.

The ending was predictable.

Was it really enough for Katherine to end up with Gerard? His character was never dynamic. We never really got to see him grow and change. I'm sorry, but using the last 15 minutes to constitute a dramatic life change neither does anyone justice nor change the audiences opinion of this shallow man. I'm still disappointed. If you asked me, they should have had her end up with the cute doctor and show that maybe men weren't so vapid. Basically, the resolve was that men are still jerks, but, oh! in just one day a boy can become a man and all of his past that has led him to be a jerk can instantly be swept away and forgotten. I'm not as old as Gerard, but, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that. Nah, I know it doesn't work like that.

The cinematography was beautiful. Really, it looks like you're there. Also, the colors were spot on, clear and crisp (as if this is a problem these days).

Overall, I give this movie a C rating (which I think is generous). I have no suggestions though. What were we supposed to see, Orphan? Haha. No. But, I'll still review it for you. And I don't forsee too many college age students venturing on tween turf to see G-Force. :/

love love