17 February 2010

A Quick Review

Howdy all!

Long time no writing. I have actually seen some movies since september... go figure. I feel pretty bad about it. But, alas, what's passed has passed.

Movies I've seen (and did not review but will briefly review now):
I went to see this with my dad. I really liked the graphics and thought it was interesting and fresh. However, I was unimpressed with parts of the story line. I didn't like that the main guy character basically committed treason and was killing fellow Americans.. that's not cool. And I felt like I was watching parts of Ferngully (sp?). My favorite part was when they walked on the ground on the native's turf and it lit up :). I also liked (though completely predictable) the part when the main guy character rides on the super cool and rare and mostly untamable bird/raptor thing. This was a fun movie and I enjoyed it. Likelihood of seeing it again... eh, pretty slim.
-Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
I went to see this with my older (fun) brother and my good friend Alaina. We had so much fun watching this and were those people in the theater that you cannot understand how they are laughing so uncontrollably. But this movie was fun and imaginable. I personally think it DOMINATES the book (I read it again shortly after seeing the movie and I stand my ground on this opinion). Steve was the best. Gummy Bears!
-Dear John
My mom (uh hem, Santa) gave me this book for Christmas the year it came out (like a year or two ago) and I didn't read it. When I heard they were making this into a movie, I quickly read the book. Upon reading it, I cried. And cried. And cried. Clearly it is Nicholas Sparks main goal to make people cry. Now, I'm almost mad that he does the things he does. After reading the book: I didn't even know how to feel. I really didn't care for the ending. Bah. Anyways, then I saw the movie. My problems with it>> I didn't like how they made Tom out to be old. AND Alan was not his son, but his brother. AND Savannah didn't fall in love with him because he got sick. That was frustrating. She fell in love with him and THEN he got sick. Whatev. I kind of liked the ending better in the movie because I so hated it in the book. I think, what I decided while watching this movie, though, was that it's not really about the romance between John and Savannah, but about the relationship between John and his dad. Just saying. That's really what it's about.
-The Lovely Bones
This movie was pretty legit. I actually have nothing to complain about except for I didn't like how the heaven seen made this movie seem trippy. It's not about drugs. okay. but I really liked the suspense. Gawsh, Stanley Tucci makes a GREAT villain. Enough said. This movie was a great portrayal of the book!
-Valentine's Day
I had so much fun with this movie!! I went with my fun friend KtB! It was funny and lovable. It showed so many various aspects of relationships and it was great to see so many talented actors in the same movie. Even though Valentine's Day is over, this movie is fun to see at least once.
-The Time Traveler's Wife
I actually saw this on a plane ride from Boston to Dallas/Fort Worth. It was good but it made me cry. Rachel McAdams is so talented and she can do wonders with any script. I loved the scenery and the sets. I probably won't ever see this again but I'm awfully glad I saw it. I just wanted to know how it works... you know the whole time travel thing. I was too curious not to see this movie.
-All About Steve
Not my favorite. Although I love Sandra Bullock, I am not a big fan of bradley cooper. He always seems so skanky.
-The Proposal
So good. But it's been too long since I've seen it to write anything concrete. But I really liked this movie and I love to watch Ryan Reynolds!!
-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
This came out a looooonnnng time ago... but I waited to watch it with my dad (since the only reason he read the books was because I made a deal with him that I would read the Lord of the Rings trilogy if he read HP... he held up his of the bargain... and me... not so much). I recall liking this movie enough. As it pertains to the book, not the best book-movie translation... as a movie... not too shabby.

Also, I've been watching the olympics and i love it. And Texas A&M basketball... which might be the real reason that I haven't been blogging. I heart NCAA basketball and it'll only get worse with march madness. Bring it on!!

So, I'm going to try a bit harder to add my thoughts into cyberspace with a hope that someone will read them. If they're not.. Eh... this isn't really about that is it... just an outlet so that I may procrastinate and not read about contract law, torts, and health related issues.
