27 September 2009

Love Happens

Howdy! My apologies for taking so long for this post to happen. But here goes.

I went to see Love Happens with one of my good friends! I was really excited... perhaps it was more for the company but whatev, I haven't been to the movies in at least a month so this was long overdue.

I must say that first and foremost, I really think that the title of this movie is misleading. I was expecting a chick flick (of which I think there is a certain balance which must take place to be believable and enjoyable), but it wasn't. So that kind of made the experience kind of... different.

As the movie starts, we see a man arriving in a city. And I'm thinking to myself... hmm... what city is this? And eventually you see Pike's Place Market and the Space Needle and wahlah... Seattle. I absolutely love Seattle, it's atmosphere, and it's weather and so the movie starts optimistically. We meet the two main characters Burke Ryan (played by Aaron Eckhart) and Eloise (played by Jennifer Aniston). Eventually, we meet Marty, Eloise's right hand flower shop girl, played by Judy Greer (who is, to no surprise, just a supporting actress...blah blah... seriously, will she ever have a lead role ex.: 27 Dresses, 13 Going on 30, Elizabeth town? Boring!). Oops. Got off on a tangent there. No strong feelings. Um... shall we continue.

While, I was not particularly pleased by this movie, as I was expecting a Romantic Comedy, and was greeted with a Drama Lite (I just made up that genre), I did tear up and shed a couple of tears, which says something. Basically, this movie does it's job. It may move you... though, if no one really close has died to you, I don't know how much it could help. Regardless, it makes you care about the characters and really what more can you ask for. That means we have some good character building.

I must say Jennifer Aniston is really quite enchanting. She has really perfected her career and everything she does is just a piece of work. Must mention how ridiculously cute her wardrobe was. It really makes you take a second thought as to where you're living. Maybe I should move north just so that I can sport some fun scarves earlier. Um, duh. Furthermore, as Eloise, Aniston gets to showcase a woman with interest, devotion, and love for nature in her flower shop. Her whole set up is tres chic! Makes me want to quit my studies and just open my own shop!

About the plot: It was a little slow. Basically, the movie takes place over about a week for a workshop to help some 100 people learn mechanisms to further deal with grief they're undergoing after losing a loved one. There was a really great subplot happening with a man named Walter who had lost his son. It was very touching and I think helped carry this movie. We are really following Burke Ryan, though, and his of the seminar about how to deal with grief. So, basically we get to learn more about him, his past, and you know... what he's going to do about the time he has left (aka: the future). There is some romance between he and Eloise (by the way... I love this name!). It's pretty fun, but is never something very promising throughout the movie, so, I'll leave you to guess what happens.

I just like to finish with a thought about movies coming out. This past summer, I made a list of movies I wanted to see that I had heard about via imdb.com. Amongst them was, 9, Precious, and some Japanese film and I have yet to see them. It came to my knowledge though, that Precious is coming out to the mass public either October or November for which, in the meantime I shall attempt to read the book it's based on, Push, before going to see it. Yay! There are just so many great movies being released right now and alas, I have not the time nor money to see them all. Disappointment.

Anyways, if you're reading this... thank you. I'm going to try harder :)


24 August 2009


An apology to anyone who reads this blog... I haven't been able to see any movies since I've left my college town. I'll be up and running this movie watching business within the next week. Thanks for reading!

08 August 2009

500 Days of Summer

Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn't.

It's not your traditional love story. And well, that's because it's not a love story. As it well defines at the beginning of the movie. This is a story about love.

Normally, movies that come from the Sundance Film Festival are pretty fantastic movies. It won't stop here. Amongst films coming from the Sundance Film Festival (fyi: its a festival that takes place in Utah once a year for private film-ers) are Once, the Visitor, and Precious (this year's winner).

This film is different. The filming isn't your normal start to finish story telling where you figure out the plot in the first five minutes and the rest of the movie you sit and predict how many people around you will cry or how many kissing scenes there will be. And regardless... this is not that movie. This movie keeps you watching and waiting, because you know more goodness is coming and so it does. I don't know why this movie isn't more widespread or receiving more theater screens, it's a whole lot more informative about male-female relationships than say... The Ugly Truth. But enough on that.

What I like most about this movie has to do with A.filmography, B. The Time Line, C. The characters, and D. The plot. Let's start with A. This film is inventive. Well, there is a tad bit reminder of Juno or the likes, but all in all, it's absolutely refreshing. It's as if you can step into the painting. Very effective. B. This is no ordinary 500 days. It's certainly not 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,... and you can bet your bottom dollar that it still makes sense! We connect with our main character Tom so much quicker by feeling his pain and then seeing how he gets there and where he goes with it. It's beautifully set up and I would be disappointed with anything less than this. C. Wow, Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt totally own this film. They are funny. They are likeable. Zooey lights up the screen as the quirky and unpredictable Summer. She is what she is. She doesn't really pretend to be what she's not and in her defense, she told Tom straight up what was going on in that relationship. Jordon was equally as great. He is a greeting card writer/failed architect. His character is so dynamic. There is growth. I wish I knew just how to say how relatable he is. But that's just what he is: relatable. Relatable to anyone who thought they found the one and then had their heart broken; relatable to anyone who loved; relatable to anyone who would try love again. Accompanying these two stars are largely Tom's friends. They are so funny and just fantastic! They provide comic relief especially when Tom hits... rock bottom. His friend McKenzie (played by Geoffrey Arend) also plays the wildly funny Karl Benson in Garden State. D. The plot is a breath of fresh air. Whilst, this isn't exactly a romantic comedy... in a way it is, but perhaps a little more true to real life. This story might not even be 100% original, but there is the feeling that it is. You don't come out of the theater thinking, "you know, I've seen something like that before." I appreciate both of the writers of this movie... and for both, this was their first movie to write (or to write and make it to screen).

I forgot one other part that was simply fantastic and slightly reminiscent of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. There was a dance scene. Um, hello, totally rad! And quite epic.

In conclusion, this movie is a don't miss. It's a "buy" movie. Either spend the cash now or get it when it comes out, because it is worth it. And for anyone that is wary of love... perhaps you may see a little bit differently after this viewing pleasure.

love love

07 August 2009

The Lovely Bones

Just wanted to say something about this! I just saw, for the first time, a preview of this movie. I'm really excited because I read this gem of a book by Alice Sebold. It was a sad book, but I have hope for this movie because of the fantastic actors that signed on to this project. Oh, by the way, I have been IMDB-ing this movie for 2+ years. This is one of those movies that I have been waiting for, it seems like forever! But, let me give you a quick run-down on who is in this movie. Saoirse Ronan plays the main character. We've seen her in atonement. Along with her there is: Rachel Weisz, Mark Walhberg, Stanley Tucci, and Susan Sarandan! Yay! How can this movie go wrong. Well, I pray it doesn't!
Here's the website if you want to know more:

love love


This movie was fairly nostalgic for me. Why, might you ask? Nearly 7 years ago, I was a freshman in high school struggling through english. For our last assignment, Mr. Brooks assigned a speech. Oh, great! Like this class can't get any worse? (These were, after all, in my days of stage fright). But this speech led me to one of my favorite passions. Cooking. Slash baking. I took on the task of relaying the life of a Mrs. Julia Child to my naive peers. Well, technically, it ended up being 3 other students and my teacher because I delayed and we didn't have time in class so I did it after school. But, regardless... I feel in love with Julia Child, or at least the woman who ventured into unknown territory! Even though we were allowed to have notecards to use for our speech, I labored over memorizing this speech. It wasn't terrible at all. Each time I did that speech, I got to relive Julia changing the world and giving me a glimmer of hope that, yes, you too can change the world, you woman, you!

Every time I saw preview for Julie & Julia, I was able to go back to those glory days. Okay, well, perhaps not. But the point is, is that, Julia child spurred my desire to go to culinary school. I haven't actually ever done that nor will I. Julia Child opened my eyes!

I went to see this movie on my own (not a first for me). I knew that this movie had potential. I had high hopes! I ended up sitting or rather, some older ladies ended up sitting by me. As people were leaving the theater, I heard one of them say, "Oh, there are young people here, too." It amazes me that so few of my friends wanted to see this movie. It's like no one of my generation knows what Julia did! How is this? She is the pioneer of chefs on tv. Her book Mastering the Art of French Cooking sold millions of copies and transformed the way women cooked in America in the 1960s. It's her that we owe much of the respect that women chefs receive today.

So, perhaps now, my nostalgia is justified. Julia Child is a figure that moves my inner being. Though she was a democrat, her advances for women in cooking make me ridiculously happy!

This movie starts with showing us that Julie Powell and Julia Child are in different time periods. And no, they never meet. We walk through the life of Julia entering cooking school, her beautiful relationship with a dedicated husband, and with her love and devotion to food co-writes a cook book that changes cooking as we know it. Julie Powell is an on-the-side writer who has ended up in a low government job in New York in 2002 that leaves her unsatisfied. After meeting with friends and watching an episode of Julia on tv, she gets the idea to write a blog. 524 recipes in 365 days. Well, it was a great idea. Look where it got her... a book AND a movie! So, in order not to reveal all of the secrets and to avoid getting cramps in my hands, I won't say a whole lot more on the plot. But I would like to point out that few movies actually move me. There are the occassional though: Slumdog Millionaire, The Village, Pride & Prejudice (with Colin Firth), and some others. This movie moves me. It's well worth the money to see it (though, I only paid $3.50, I would have paid up to 9 dollars!)

In other matters, it's important to note the acting. Meryl Streep is unstoppable. Her work in this mo
vie is, dare I say, epic! Playing a 6'2" woman who may or may not have been addicted to sherry when cooking, is not an easy task. Many of us have seen the SNL skits of Julia Child. It's no surprise that someone can talk like her and emulate her unique actions. It's another thing, though, to show the many emotions of a woman that possesses all of Julia's characteristics. Go Meryl! Amy Adams is largely comical. So many of us go through these actions where we wonder, "Is what I'm doing meaningful?" We can empathize with her. I want to finish something. I want to have something important to say. I want to be listened to. A success to her. I applaud her. Supporting actors Stanley Tucci and Chris Messina who play Mr. Child and Mr. Powell, respectively do a great job as well. Mr. Tucci does such an fantastic job. We've seen him and Meryl together before in The Devil Wears Prada. They have got it down, because there is chemistry. It's a wonder that you look at the two together, a 6'2" woman and a considerably shorter man and wonder how that happened? But, if Julia and Paul's relationship really was as they portrayed it in film, then right on! How beautiful.

Also, they showed Julia's kitchen at the Smithsonian. I remember a few years ago, one of my visits to the Smithsonian and marveling at that kitchen. It was beautiful. It was moving. Right there were so many of the utensils that I envied, making some of the most delicious food there ever was.

There is so much more I could say about this movie. I loved it. It's full of so many emotions. It's
full of what we all desire: a purpose.

As Julia says:
Bon Appétit!

26 July 2009

Drop Dead Diva

If you haven't checked out this beauty of a show, get on it! Perhaps the idea of the show isn't completely original (there is some reminder of the Chris Rock movie, "Down to Earth"), but it is mighty refreshing considering all of the other law shows out there.

Jane is an outstanding lawyer that does ample amounts of pro bono work and volunteering. Deb is a shallow want-to-be Price Is Right girl. They both die at the same time and wa-bam! Deb is put back into Jane's body. Along with Jane's full figure, Deb inherits her wit and law knowledge. Stacy is Deb's model (trying to be actress) friend that creates humor where needed! She is probably the best part of this show!

I can't help but mention that this is becoming my roommate's and my own guilty pleasure. We savor Stacy's remarks on how to be more beautiful. As she says, the four steps are diet, exercise, pluck, polish. Besides hanging on to every clever saying that these fab ladies have to offer, we can to watch a newly empowered woman to realize that life isn't merely about good looks, but that every woman has something to offer. Deb/Jane provides viewers with the ability to look at themselves and realize that perhaps all we need is a really great mind and we can totally own Manhattan. Okay, well maybe that's not all we need. But we do get to glimpse into the life of someone who may not at first seem to live a glamorous life. Her life is glamorous but in a completely different way than the way the world says that glamor is. She is full of a giving spirit and putting others first. This is why she is fab.

Tonight's episode was especially great because we get to see some of Stacy's flaws. At first, she is afraid to go to an audition because she's not sure if she can make the transition from model to actress. So, she gets an opportunity to try out her acting skills! Whoop! And there she helps to provide evidence to Jane/Deb's case and totally rock the show.

Bummer. Grayson, Deb's former boyfriend, starts a new relationship with a woman at the firm named Kim. Of course, we're not great fans of Kim. She's often conniving and wants for Jane to fail. Boo. This episode should create some great new drama that I'm sure the writers are thoroughly enjoying. Who wouldn't want to see how human kind changes just weeks after the death of a beautiful girlfriend? Anyways, Grayson is making new leaps and bounds at the firm and is growing in his position as a lawyer.

That about wraps it up. The roommate and myself really enjoy this show. It's funny and refreshing!
New episodes are on Sundays at 9/8c on Lifetime Network.
Check. It. Out

love love

25 July 2009

The Ugly Truth

Let's be honest. The ugly truth is that this movie is just not that great. I don't think we will even be seeing a great soundtrack emerge from this movie.

The high points:
Gerard Butler is still good looking :) But we all know this. He's played the manly King Leonidas in 300 (even men can respect him in this role) and the dapper, entrancing Phantom of The Phantom of the Opera. We don't see a lapse in his acting ability here. It's just that... really? Are men really like this? Seriously? Sure, some men are shallow (dare we call them men?) but not every man stoops to such low morals. I know some pretty great men (shout out to the older brother!).

Katherine Heigl has a great stylist working for her in this movie. I loved some of those dresses (um, yes please). Her hair looked silly sometimes with those removable weaves. Also, I noticed some wardrobe malfunctions while she was at the bar with Gerard mid-movie.

The Orthopedic surgeon that Katherine dates in the movie has a symmetrical face and good bone structure.

The low points:

Perhaps we're clued in that this is a raunchy comedy. Well, it is just that. Really. No more, no less. I don't know, it just wasn't that funny.

Be prepared to experience just about every sexual innuendo. None of them are done in a classy way. Nope. It's just out there. Whatever. I suppose that's what you're paying for.

SPOILER from here on out.

The ending was predictable.

Was it really enough for Katherine to end up with Gerard? His character was never dynamic. We never really got to see him grow and change. I'm sorry, but using the last 15 minutes to constitute a dramatic life change neither does anyone justice nor change the audiences opinion of this shallow man. I'm still disappointed. If you asked me, they should have had her end up with the cute doctor and show that maybe men weren't so vapid. Basically, the resolve was that men are still jerks, but, oh! in just one day a boy can become a man and all of his past that has led him to be a jerk can instantly be swept away and forgotten. I'm not as old as Gerard, but, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that. Nah, I know it doesn't work like that.

The cinematography was beautiful. Really, it looks like you're there. Also, the colors were spot on, clear and crisp (as if this is a problem these days).

Overall, I give this movie a C rating (which I think is generous). I have no suggestions though. What were we supposed to see, Orphan? Haha. No. But, I'll still review it for you. And I don't forsee too many college age students venturing on tween turf to see G-Force. :/

love love

23 July 2009

Starting Out

Sure, at this point I'm supposed to be studying for my history test tomorrow, but I am ridiculously excited to start writing this blog.

My purpose: Reveal my thoughts to new movies/television shows.

Sure, sometimes my thoughts won't just be on new movies, but perhaps new movies to me.

Let's face it, my roommates and family often tell me I should be the person reviewing all of these forms of entertainment, so let's get to it!!!

Today, I ventured to watch some episodes of L.A. Ink. Um, hello, I like this show a lot. It has been decided. These people can often be ridiculous and I would absolutely never get a tattoo, but I surely enjoy listening to people's stories, and let's face it, those people are artists. No doubt. So, it's interesting because the store manager that no one likes is still there. Everyone complains about her (of course, no one is making life easier for her or even trying) and yet she is still employed. They should own up and just fire her. Hello. Also, really, aren't they just using her to get mad at so that they don't get mad at each other? I don't know, I think so. Kat did a really neat photo shoot where she had her tats covered up. Um, wow. That's why you don't full body tat yourself. It must have taken a very long time to cover her with that make up stuff. Anyways, I thought it to be very interesting and a look at for those who tat themselves like no tomorrow.

Whatevs. Interesting stuff.

love love